Not only are we hungry after watching this video, but our nipples could cut ice right now we're so turned on by this young-lady slash zombie slash unique carnivore. Like a velociraptor, she tears apart the meat like she hasn't eaten in years and even takes the time to wipe her mouth of meat juice like any classy lady. Words can't describe our shock and awe by this amazingly sexy eater.

Not only are we hungry after watching this video, but our nipples could cut ice right now we're so turned on by this young-lady slash zombie slash unique carnivore. Like a velociraptor, she tears apart the meat like she hasn't eaten in years and even takes the time to wipe her mouth of meat juice like any classy lady. Words can't describe our shock and awe by this amazingly sexy eater. And it turns out, this isn't Molly's first rodeo. She's a big time eater that travels the country devouring food challenges and leaving whimpering young men in her trail.