… Also balloon sellers from around the world, the foolproof plan for getting on Price is Right and 10 weirdest deaths by technology are all part of this morning's cold cup of coffee

1. Balloons brighten anyone's day, no matter where they are being sold. 13 delightful images of balloon sellers from around the world (The Week

2. Being fired is the world telling you to do something else. 8 Successful People Grateful They Got Canned (MentalFloss.com)

3. Someone has finally answered our prayers. How My Foolproof Scientific System Got Us Onto The Price Is Right (Deadspin.com)

4. How was your weekend? Shitty? At least you didn't wreck your Lamborghini. Five Lamborghinis Have Wrecked in the Past Week (Complex.com)

5. 2012 Lost a lot of great people. Here are a few of them. 20 Great Men We'll Miss. (Mademan.com)

6. Advertising should only get more annoying in 2013. Look Ahead 2013: What to Expect in the Ad and Marketing World (Adage.com)

7. Technology will eventually kill you. Seriously. The 10 Weirdest Deaths by Technology (Gizmodo.com)