In related news: The Catchella 2015 lineup is siiiick!!

Do you unabashedly love your scrunchie-faced shmoopie-woopie-head and want to do everything you can for the sweet furry-purry-kins to make them so forever happy?

Because scientists have gone and created music specifically with cats in mind to pimp out your spoiled feline’s already purrfect lifestyle. Created by University of Maryland composer David Teie, the resulting kitty ditties mimic comforting sounds for cats, such as purring or the sucking sound of kittens nursing — and are projected at a higher pitch and different tempo, which appeals to cats, apparently.

In a February 2015 study posted in the journal of “Applied Animal Behavior” it was found most surveyed pets responded quicker to “cat” songs than “human” ones — often approaching or rubbing up on the speaker with affection. Application of the music will likely be used to calm shelter stowaways or destructive felines with separation anxieties.

In related news: The Catchella 2015 lineup is siiiick!!

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