Normally we'd label this as an office product but due to the budget cuts on luxury goods and morning happy hours, we'll have to live vicariously through the photos. Moderation was the mantra when German luxury boatbuilder Larssen developed the 590-foot mega-yacht named the Azzam. Clocking in at over 30 knots and packing 94,000 horsepower under the hood, the Azzam is 30% faster than other mega yachts leading one executive on the project to claim "it's like a 590-foot jet ski." Like we said, the perfect office product. 

Of course, the owner of the boat has yet to be unveiled – although industry experts believe it's the royal family of Abu Dhabi – and therefore the number of jacuzzis, rotating beds, and helicopter pads is also unavailable. One thing that's been revealed is the large salon that makes our one-bedroom apartment look like a cardboard box. But when at sea, salons are necessary. 

As we slowly wipe the drool away from our lip, we can't help but think that with every gallon of gas we buy, an arab royalty puts in another jacuzzi on their yacht.