If quitting your job was a job, KTVA Anchorage reporter Charlo Green would be the boss. She quit her job in spectacular, trophy-worthy fashion last night by announcing she was secret owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, and she was leaving to fight for marijuana advocacy. She added a good, hearty, "F*ck it, I quit," in there too before walking off camera like a marijuana angel.

If quitting your job was a job, KTVA Anchorage reporter Charlo Green would be the boss. She quit her job in spectacular, trophy-worthy fashion last night by announcing she was secret owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, and she was leaving to fight for marijuana advocacy. She added a good, hearty, "F*ck it, I quit," in there too before walking off camera like a marijuana angel.

Marry. Us.

Charlo had been reporting on the Alaska Cannabis Club during Sunday night’s broadcast without revealing her connection to it. But at the end of the report, during a live segment, she dropped the news on a stunned newsroom. Here was her ravishing monologue:

Now, everything you've heard is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska. And as for this job—well, not that I have a choice—but fuck it, I quit.

Alaska Cannabis Club members were even encouraged to tune into the broadcast via Facebook on Sunday night, which proves that it was all part of her delightfully diabolical plan.

What a go-getter, no? A simple "I quit, you suck" Post-It note on her empty chair probably would have sufficed for any other quitter. But not so for Charlo, a solider in the fight for weed legalization.

She explained her dramatic exit, saying she left "Because I wanted to draw attention to this issue. And the issue is medical marijuana. Ballot Measure 2 is a way to make medical marijuana real … most patients didn’t know the state didn’t set up the framework to get patients their medicine."

"If I offended anyone, I apologize, but I’m not sorry for the choice that I made," she said.

Has anyone gotten her face tattooed on them yet?

Here's the video.