Man, you can get really high on anything if you try hard enough … 

It's hard trying to keep up with what stupid thing kids are getting high on nowadays, but it always seems to surprise us. 

First it was vodka-eyeballing, then huffing fermented poop, and playing that stupid choking game … instead of drinking alcohol like a normal person or smoking weed, today's youth just have to be unique and different in their drug abusing. 

The latest edition of "what the hell is wrong with kids?" goes to pounding a ton of anti-diarrhea medicine to get super high. Also, you won't shit for a few weeks, but you'll also get high, apparently. 

That's the good shit right there.

Medics said the over-the-counter medication (active ingredient = loperamide) is being used recreationally and drug addicts are taking it to manage their addictions. While loperamide works by reducing the movement in the intestinal wall — to prevent diarrhea — some medical literature suggests at high doses it can cause euphoria.

From the Washington Post:

“Loperamide’s accessibility, low cost, over-the-counter legal status and lack of social stigma all contribute to its potential for abuse,” William Eggleston, an author of the case study and a pharmacist at Upstate New York Poison Center, said in a news release. Timed with their report, Eggleston and his colleagues released a searing statement against loperamide abuse on Tuesday, calling it “dumb and dangerous.”

In New York, there's been a seven-fold increase in calls related to loperamide abuse between 2011 and 2015. This echoes national data from the National Poison Data System, which showed a 71% increase in calls about people intentionally taking loperamide between 2011 and 2014.

By 2013, reports of loperamide being used recreationally had circled the Web long enough for loperamide to pick up a nickname: “poor man’s methadone.”

A 2012 study of nearly 1,300 posts on online drug forums determined that people were dosing themselves with 70 to 100 milligrams of loperamide. The maximum recommended dose for diarrhea relief is 16 milligrams a day. As [William Eggleston, an author of a case study in the Annals of Medicine] put it: “People looking for either self-treatment of withdrawal symptoms or euphoria are overdosing on loperamide with sometimes deadly consequences.”

God, people are just the worst. At least it's not butt-chugging beers, though …