Obama tapped his inner teenage ethos today at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela by posing for an epic funeral selfie with British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Obama tapped his inner teenage ethos today at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela by posing for an epic funeral selfie with British Prime Minister David Cameron. Give it to The President, he's definitely a social butterfly… even when Michelle sits by patiently hating every part of the blonde bitch posing in the photo with him. For the record, the blonde bitch is Denmark's Prime Minister Helle Thorne-Schmidt. Still, Michelle doesn't trust her and her mini-skirt. From what body language 101 class taught us, Obama's touching of Helle's shoulder implies more than a friendly gesture and it appears Michelle observes this just as well. Whatever joke he just told, she's loving.  

And with the U.S. economic outlook prosperous, political turmoil a thing of the past and American primacy well intact, who can blame Barack for a little touch and tickle with the Danish Prime Minister? It's not like poverty, unemployment and international war are an imminent threat to the American way of life.

Plus, with all the stress building in the White House and Michelle's constant dealing with obesse kids, Obama's just trying to have fun. But one thing is for sure, the 17-hour plane flight back with Michelle won't be a cake walk for the President. 

How it went down: 

1. Ask for her input: "Do you like Nelson Mandela as well?"

2. The lean in, drop the joke, and keep it quick. 

3. Jackpot. Trip booked for Denmark.