Relax: It's just hair, and no rats were harmed in the making of these haircuts …

Kids around the nation are already on their ways back to the first day of whatever school they go to, and with that comes the shitty haircut. Each and every time. But eventually they'll grow out of it and manage to learn a valuable lesson on repressing childhood memories. It's more of a life skill building anomaly than anything else.

For Denver Broncos rookies, on the other hand, it's a yearly tradition dating back to who knows when. Recently the cuts took place and many of the players posted about it on social media. 

But don't 'awww, that's mean' just yet. First year salaries for anyone in the NFL start at $450,000. That's four-hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for one year. Neigh, not even a full year, like just a small part of it. Yeah, they work their asses off and risk their health for our entertainment, but fuckin'-a, that's a hell of a payday.

Hell, we'd walk around with a shitty haircut for twenty bucks. Who knows what we'd do for $450k? The sky is the limit …