Is it real, is it not real? Unfortunately that’s the only question one need ask themselves when opening up a salacious story on the ‘net.

Is it real, is it not real? Unfortunately that’s the only question one need ask themselves when opening up a salacious story on the ‘net. Not only are we pummeled with up to the second information on everything from Oxy-Clean’s validity as a household miracle to the Pope’s new move to piss everyone off, but we’re also stuck on a weird teeter-totter of investigation of whether or not something truly is what a writer says it is.

Yesterday, we thought we received a gift from at least one of the gods we’ve been speaking to privately (best to ask them all; some of them may be more legit than others), when it was announced our favorite ruff-riding hip-hop growler DMX would be releasing his eighth studio album “Redemption of the Beast” in a few short weeks.

This morning, however, those hopes were crushed as longtime friend and producer Swizz Beats announced via his Instagram account the rumors are false, and the poorly Photoshopped album cover being circulated throughout the web is a hoax. A ruse. A phony installment into our once lit beacon of desire.

This is why we have trust issues …

He says the duo are working on an album, it’s just not ready yet for the masses. A silver lining within the still-warming ashes of our smoldering dream, we suppose.

For what it’s worth, the malicious bamboozle even went as far as having an “official” tracklist, which portrays titles of songs we can absolutely see DMX getting behind. Because … a few of them are actually old songs of his, and nobody caught this before circulation … we hate you, Internet.


1. Spit That Shit
2. Built Like A Bitch
3. On and On
4. Get Up and Try Again
5. Solid Ft. Rampage
6. I’m Gonna Win
7. It’s A Problem
8. It’s Goin’ Down
9. Shout It
10. One More Night
11. 56 Bars
12. Where You Been ft. Freeway
13. Right or Wrong ft. Jannyce
14. Gonna Get Mine
15. We Gonna Make It
16. Love That Bitch ft. Jannyce