Sometimes the Internet just gives you things: conscious, unpredictable, magical things. Earlier today in the midst of some serious work around the office, Spotify threw us a screwball from left field that instantly scribed its fury into our mind. The jolting tone of a child controlling an appropriate amount of bars struck us. As soon as the name and title of the song came to play, the Google machine was fired up and this is what we found this gem.

According to his brief, but substantial bio, Papa, a San Diego bred rhyme prodigy, was born in 1999 to a family that does what a family should do. They allowed him the outlet for his passion, even building a home studio in their garage, and supplied him the necessary tools to create. This love for music came with an agreement between he and his mother that included excelling at academics, listening to what she said and chores. Probably lots and lots of chores. It would seem as though it worked, as he does have a full-length album on the web available for purchase. If only other musicians had those kind of contract obligations…

To boot, he’s a smart little dude too. Like Papa says, "If you want something bad you work hard and go get it." Take that, all adults ever.