Working Title: “How to Beat a Dead Horse” — a children’s book by Pharrell Williams.

Working Title: “How to Beat a Dead Horse” — a children’s book by Pharrell Williams.

The song “Happy” — originally penned as a soundtrack single for the movie “Despicable Me 2” and later adopted for Pharrell Williams’ solo album “Girl” — is the musical equivalent of a rich kid with no real plans to settle down and a strong will of wanderlust: It’s been ev-er-y-where! From car commercials to parodies, the Grammy stage and even getting a few Iranian kids busted for dancing to it on YouTube, the ubiquitous song is now the inspiration for a new children’s book.

“Happy” the book will see an initial run of 250,000 copies from Putnam — an imprint of Penguin — and will feature photos of happy children from around the world. The story will be the first in a series of four Williams has signed on to write. He’ll be in company of other musicians who have written children’s books including David Bowie, Paul McCartney, Madonna and 50 Cent.