Comedian Barbara Gray, co-host of the Lady to Lady podcast, had a brilliant idea when a random man tried to Facebook sext her … respond only with Smash Mouth lyrics. But, instead of deterring the adoring sexter, Smash Mouth only made him stronger, fueling his lust and proving once and for all, that Smash Mouth is an aphrodisiac you can use to your advantage.

Comedian Barbara Gray, co-host of the Lady to Lady podcast, had a brilliant idea when a random man tried to Facebook sext her … respond only with Smash Mouth lyrics. But, instead of deterring the adoring sexter, Smash Mouth only made him stronger, fueling his lust and proving once and for all, that Smash Mouth is an aphrodisiac you can use to your advantage. Which is ironic, because when we played Smash Mouth in our office, all the plants died instantly, even the plastic ones.

What follows is the most uncomfortable and hilarious Smash Mouth-themed conversation since that time you tried to convince your girlfriend that the reason you couldn't get it up was because "All Star" was stuck in your head, not because she looked fat.

Behold, readers, how to arouse the human male: