Highlights on highlights on highlights …

Highlights on highlights on highlights …

1. In bocce, the smaller target ball is officially called a:
A. Little white thingy
B. Pallina
C. Marker
D. Edifice
2. The combined net worth of all NFL teams is:
A. $77 dollars
B. $33 billion
C. One-hundred trillion
D. $63 billion
3. LeBron James has _____ championships.
A. 4
B. More than Michael Jordan.
C. 3
D. LeBwho?
4. True/False: Pittsburgh’s Dock Ellis once threw a no-hitter while high on LSD.
5. Before owning the Denver Broncos, Pat Bowlen made his money in:
A. Banking
B. Bartending
C. Oil Drilling and Exploration
D. Prostitution
6. NASCAR tracks always run:
A. Out of time
B. Counter-clockwise
C. Clockwise
D. Down my pants
7. In 1996, the NBA suspended Denver Nuggets’ Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf for:
A. Being black
B. Steroids
C. Weed
D. Refusing to stand during “The Star-Spangled Banner”
8. Professional poker player Antonio Esfandiari was disqualified from a tournament for:
A. Cheating
B. Trying to piss into a bottle
C. Falling asleep
D. Actually enjoying poker
9. True/False: Basketball was invented by a Canadian white dude.

1-3 Correct: M’eh, nothing really ‘exists’ anyways.
4-6 Correct: Not bad. Not bad. At. All.
7-9 Correct: Step, away, from the cable box.



1. B, 2. D, 3. C, 4. True, 5. C, 6. B, 7. D, 8. B, 9. True