The beauty of people is that they will find a way to survive. As gun debate roars on with shit-throwing occurring on both sides of the divided United States, a local little league in Illinois has found a way to turn a gun into fun for kids by raffling off an beautiful, brand new AR-15 rifle.

Last year, the league auctioned off half a pig and as one might imagine, it flopped. So this year, capitalizing on the possible gun ban, the league commissioner said fuck it and asked a local armory to provide a kid-friendly prize for this year's raffle. The result? Pandemonium. As the league commissioner put it "Guns are hot right now." They sure are. The same gun auctioned for more than $7,000 at another auction that the armory sponsored for cancer charity. This time around, according to the armory owner it's been the same response. 

Who would have thought the day would come when cancer charities and little league teams needed to sell arms for funding? Sadly, the government's indecision has proved beneficial for once.