Holidays are a few days away and you've already located your spot for the next three days and commenced drinking. Don't worry, we have your entertainment needs covered. Don't lift a finger or even think about setting your drink down. Just enjoy the afternoon reads. 

1. 29 Years of Beautiful, Inspiring and Important Images of Earth from Space ( – The world lived to die another day. It's only poetic that we honor our beautiful world with a gallery of images. 

2. Cat Bounce ( – Don't question our website choices. Stay at this site for ten seconds and you'll see why we chose it. 

3. Why The Most Successful People Succeed: A Case Study (– First lesson about success: sitting around claiming to be a blog writer will not bring you success.

4. Celebrity Weight Loss 2012: The Best Success Stories Of The Year ( – Recessions do that to struggling actors.

5. Video-Game Industry Stays Silent After NRA Attack ( – There's plenty of blame to go around. 

6. 6 Celebrities & Their Insane Japanese Commercials ( – You have to get your foot in the door somewhere. Even if it's Japan.