Music blogger Paul Lamere mapped the distinctive musical preferences of Americans based on data from their Spotify accounts, and he came up with each state's favorite band. And much to our surprise, Colorado's favorite band isn't even Cheech & Chong or a giant blunt playing a banjo…

Music blogger Paul Lamere mapped the distinctive musical preferences of Americans based on data from their Spotify accounts, and he came up with each state's favorite band. And much to our surprise, Colorado's favorite band isn't even Cheech & Chong or a giant blunt playing a banjo…it's the Naked and Famous. Initiate apathy sequence in 3…2…1…go.

The map doesn't show which musician or band is most popular in each state (according to Paul, such a map would pretty much be all Jay-Z, all the time). Instead, it shows which music residents of each state disproportionately like. He compared musicians' Spotify popularity among all U.S. listeners with their popularity with listeners in each state, and in the end, each state wound up with a band or musician that they like way more than any other state.

Oh, Arizonans and Wisconsans. There's no easy way to say this but your taste in music sucks. 

Here's what Colorado's favorite band should have been: