Really? We're never trusting anyone, ever again.
Remember that terrible, unspeakable thing you did when you were a kid? Or that godless act of hatred you pulled off in your college years? Yeah, we can't believe you did it either.
But the best way to get all that bad juju off your chest is to admit what you did wrong — preferably on the Internet where everyone can read it and cringe.
And all the sinful folks on Reddit did just that, answering, "What's the worst thing you've done to another person?" Man, you guys are awful.
Aged 19 and out with a mate and looking for a parking spot near the pubs. A couple of 20-something girls cut us off and rolled into the spot we were obviously hanging out for (you know, up close, turn indicator blinking, etc). They nearly hit the car leaving the spot, get out laughing and pointing at us – clearly enjoying the win. Their car is a nice new Lexus and they leave the drivers side window cracked open about a half-inch. Me and my pal piss through the window crack and 3 drunk dudes come up, apparently like the idea and join in. We tell em what happened and they promise to tell others keep the flow going. Not proud of it. Also not proud that it still makes me laugh.
When I was really young (around 6) I took a sand pail like you use at the beach, went over to an ant hill, and scooped up the ants. Then I walked over to a girl that had pissed me off and dumped the contents of the pail on her head.
I convinced a guy that he should lather his body in IcyHot before he worked out to prevent from getting sore muscles afterwards.
15 minutes later he came running out of the gym hauling ass for the showers looking like a cooked lobster.
I tied my sister's bedroom doorknob to the hall closet doorknob, effectively locking her in. My best friend and I snuck outside, gently slid open her window and hosed her down with super soakers. She couldn't escape our watery wrath. Then I got my ass whooped by my mom. lol.
Some random guy threw a coffee mug at my car in traffic. I worked at a place that had DMV access so I wrote down his plate # and when I got to work, looked the guy up. Got his name and address. From there, I called all the utility companies posing as this guy and told them I was moving on Friday and to shut off all service. Not sure what ever happened, but I like to think that guy had a really dark and cold weekend.
Named a lvl 3 Rattata "Mew" and traded it to the young Polynesian boy down the street for his Lvl 50 Charizard.
A couple of years ago, I was hanging out with my best-friend and I realized that he left his Facebook open on my laptop. This was reckless behavior and I had to do something about it. I didn't want to post "coming out of the closet" status update because that was overdone. So I decided to change his relationship status to Engaged. My objective was to cause his notifications to explode and watch him deal with the barrage of awkward phone calls. I was the first to Like and comment, which made it more believable since we are best-friends. This eventually led to his break-up with his gf since it apparently opened a can of worms.
I was really pissed at my brother. So I opened up his account on Netflix and scrolled through to massive spoilers in random episodes of all of the TV shows he was watching.
I peed in my previous roommate's orange juice for trying to get with my girlfriend at the time. If you're reading this, fuck you Isaac.
Not the meanest, but in kindergarten I told this kid that it would be cool if he cut my hair. Put a lock of my hair in his hand, and gave him the scissors, and told him to cut it. The second he did it, I started fake crying and brought the lock of hair to the teacher saying he cut my hair when I wasn't looking. The worst part is that I remember why I did it, and it was only because I had just realized that I could.
Kids are assholes.
A few months ago, my ex cheated on me and in the same day came in to my job while I was working with THAT guy. At some point, I saw them and I walked up to the guy, shook his hand, and said, "Hey, I have Chlamydia good luck." To my surprise, he flipped out on my ex announcing that is what the pain must be. In the end, I never had Chlamydia and my ex had to get a taxi home.
Edit 1: Never met the guy until then. I'm in college, women just don't care. I didn't do anything irrational considering I worked in retail and EVERYTHING is watched under cameras.
When I was 12 my neighbor beat me up. I called the police on his mother for cocaine. She had some, I knew she did. She got arrested and convicted, she was a single mother. Both her kids got sent to some orphanage because one of them broke my nose. I was a shit person.
When I was growing up, my parents had been divorced (not a big deal) but my dad had remarried to a woman who was the closest thing to satan I have ever personally met. I hated this woman with every fiber of my being.
So a couple years pass and I have two younger brothers, whom I am very close with. Well she constantly abused me: verbal, physical, emotional, the whole nine yards. We are from a relatively small town in California and had an average sized house, but one bathroom. So another day comes where she abuses me and I go to take a shower, and I notice that her shampoo is out (she usually hides it for some reason) and I notice that we have a bottle of Nair under the sink. Keep in mind, I was probably no older than 13, and decide to put some of it in her shampoo. Not enough to burn or anything, just a little. Well about a week later, she begins freaking out, screaming and running through the house. My dad is trying to figure out what the hell happened and sees her. She had started losing her hair and to this day has bleach marks on her head. She and my dad divorced a few years later, but every time I see that small bald spot I laugh and laugh. I have absolutely no regrets.
Brutal. We're gonna stay home for the rest of our lives.
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