Saving money is possible, but you’ve got to shop like a boss to make it mean anything.
If one thing our not-free market capitalistic enterprise has done well, is to properly assure most of us are going to be broke for the long haul. Prices for everything around the country’s consumerist mindset soar unbalanced to expensive areas, and most of us couldn’t care one way or another. For those that do, and want to be able to save a few monies from time to time, here’s our shortlist to keep in mind when scavenging every month for rent.
Saving is possible, but you’ve got to shop like a boss to make it mean anything.
Pay attention to price variations at each store
Where one health-conscious food store will try to bilk consumers for trendy necessities, another will discount the item to seduce observant shoppers. Pay attention to the prices of expensive items wherever you go, and make mental notes on where to buy Item A and where not to buy Item B. Most of us live in a city where there are 57 markets selling the same crap within a 10-block radius. It’s not as difficult as it sounds. Tip: Olive or coconut oils are far cheaper at places like Target and Wal-Mart than trendier spots like Whole “Paycheck” Foods and Sprouts.
To hell with being fashionable
No industry is more wasteful and ridiculous as fashion. Is it really that bad you bought something three seasons ago and now you’re not hip with what every mind-numbing blog expects you to wear? Fashion is about how you rock the gear you’ve got on. It doesn’t matter what the tag says. The only difference between a $40 t-shirt and a $10 t-shirt is how many trashy rhinestones are going to fall off mid-launder and clog your washing machine. Tip: Confidence is a better investment than Gucci. Few people know what brand you’re wearing and even less actually care.
Buy foods in season
Not only is it far healthier to buy fresh foods, but if they’re in season, it’s also cheaper. Consider it an actually affordable version of healthcare. A 4.5-ounce carton of blueberries costs $5 when it out of season because it’s been shipped from who the fuck knows where and rode in on a gas-guzzling semi. If you really need blueberries in February, buy a metric ton when they cost $1 at the end of the summer and toss a bunch in the freezer. They can last up to a year that way — just in time for next season. Tip: Downloadable charts are available online detailing when Colorado produce will be cheapest. Tape one to the inside of the cabinet and learn to cook what’s available. You’ll even look rich because you’ll be healthy!
Don't be so fucking lazy
From ATM fees to bottled water to fast food to pre-packaged nonsense — they’re all semi-creative marketing ploys making money because of the growing epidemic of absolute laziness. Buy in bulk and split it up at home, make your own damn lunch, and for the love of merriment, do the sea creatures a favor and don’t buy single-use packaging. It really all boils down to the effort you’re willing to put into shopping smart. Tip: Time management skills are a virtue. What you learn at home by doing things yourself translates into other areas in the real world. Before you know it, you’ll have to fight off promotions with a stick. Do better, be better.
20% – Amount of retail sales that occur between Black Friday and Christmas
$737.95 – Average amount people spend on the holidays
$3.19 – About how much is saved making a salad at home rather than buying one premade
7 minutes – How much time was taken out of your busy schedule of doing nothing all day to make said salad
August – Best month to buy a new car
13 – Average outstanding credit obligations from American adults
50% – Amount extra consumers pay for an item by paying with credit instead of cash
$2,000 – Typical amount Americans spend each year on unexpected expenditures
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