No matter how much we love and adore the internet and make abstract clay sculptures of it for shits and giggles … we still kind of miss newspapers. They had that smell, everything you needed was in one place, and you didn't get a Trojan virus from it every time you read the personals section. But probably our favorite thing about newspapers that we miss is how hilariously awful the writing was. Headline after headline gets butchered somewhere in the newspaper journalism process, rendering an often-NSFW or otherwise totally nonsensical perspective on the news. So, because we still love a good newspaper every now and again, let's look back at some of the most heinous examples of this, for laughter purposes.

No matter how much we love and adore the internet and make abstract clay sculptures of it for shits and giggles … we still kind of miss newspapers. They had that smell, everything you needed was in one place, and you didn't get a Trojan virus from it every time you read the personals section. But probably our favorite thing about newspapers that we miss is how hilariously awful the writing was. Headline after headline gets butchered somewhere in the newspaper journalism process, rendering an often-NSFW or otherwise totally nonsensical perspective on the news.

So, because we still love a good newspaper every now and again, let's look back at some of the most heinous examples of this, for laughter purposes.