The long prophesized recovery of our America is close because of this device, we can feel it.

Just when the inevitable demise of technology’s practicality was beginning to come into question, four students at Leiden University in the Netherlands have created what they’re calling “Tender” — “The easy way to connect with new and interesting meat around you.”

The time and tendon saving art project is scheduled to debut in the Habitart art exhibition at Radon Amsterdam this weekend, but should immediately be streamlined into production if the creators know what’s good for them. As the accompanying description says on the product’s Vimeo video, “Switch on and if someone likes you back, it’s a match!”

The amount of man-hours (because women likely aren’t this desperate) saved by auto-swiping on a hookup app like Tinder is immeasurable and may actually lead to basement-dwelling nobodies to get off their asses and get real jobs. Progress of our America is close because of this device, we can feel it.