Breaking news: XXL Magazine has discovered the internet! After almost 20 years of featuring your favorite rappers and R&B crooners on their hallowed covers, the hip-hop mag has decided to nix their print edition and go full-on digital. But why? Why will you have to suggestively touch yourself to Beyonce photos online instead of while gracefully caressing her honey-toned figure in print?

Breaking news: XXL Magazine has discovered the internet! After almost 20 years of featuring your favorite rappers and R&B crooners on their hallowed covers, the hip-hop mag has decided to nix their print edition and go full-on digital. But why? Why will you have to suggestively touch yourself to Beyonce photos online instead of while gracefully caressing her honey-toned figure in print?

Well, kids, they’ve been bought. Townsquare Media, owners of 331 radio stations and a handful of websites, made the purchase, announcing to the Post that they “think XXL has strong potential in both the digital and live events market.” Boo-hoo. Well, at least XXL isn’t the only ones to get booted from the print game; Spin Magazine recently made the same decision, killing off their own print version as well as the print edition of Vibe.

Ah, well, journalism may be dying, but think how many trees are not dying getting turned into Kanye’s face. Hell yeah.