It's been brought to our attention that some of you may think it's funny to casually sneak in some marijuana candy into your Halloween stash this year (we're looking at you, Uncle Bill). But do you really want your edibles, the ones you paid hard-earned money for, to go to waste at the hands of children?

It's been brought to our attention that some of you may think it's funny to casually sneak in some marijuana candy into your Halloween stash this year (we're looking at you, Uncle Bill). But do you really want your edibles, the ones you paid hard-earned money for, to go to waste at the hands of children? Children who won't even know any good Dude, Where's My Car quotes to say if you did decide to share your stash?

We urge you to consider the fact that most children don't even know who Bob Marley is, much less have any input about the rare Bob vinyl you've procured on eBay for a surprisingly affordable price, even with tax included.

The news comes to us from the Denver Police Department, who warned parents to check their kid's Halloween candy for marijuana edibles now that weed is legal. Apparently, there is some concern amongst law enforcement that you might take the adage "sharing is caring" a little too seriously.

“With edibles gaining in popularity we thought it was important to alert the community to the possibility that it`s easy to mistake what looks like regular candy with a marijuana edible,” said Denver police spokesman Lt. Matt Murray in a recent public service announcement.

The DPD even released this video to accompany the PSA, which shows exactly which candy you should horde for yourself. Because you're worth it.

Oh, gosh. Won't someone please think of the children this Hallow's Eve?

Well, yeah. We thought about them. And we don't think they're tall enough to experience the mind-altering highs and lows of edible THC.

We also know that even if we were to share our weed gummies and marijuana chocolates with today's youth, that would mean we made zero return on our investment. Because currently, we do not accept macaroni paintings or dirty diapers as commodities worthy of trade for marijuana candy.

So, with that in mind, make this Halloween the Halloween of You, and don't share your weed candy with anyone who wasn't alive when Space Jam was released.

However, if you do have extra candy to share on Halloween, let us know. We'll be the group of 20-somethings dressed as children, soliciting candy from strangers.