Our man H*Wood asked us to give a proper gander to his new project titled H*Wood x The Elevation and we’re always happy to oblige. It’s a small journey away from his solo hip hop persona that lies far heavier in the electronic and stadium rock sound. He’s decided that 5 on stage is better than a few and the attached song definitely reflects those sentiments. The talent he’s amassed is a formidable crew that looks anxious to show the world what the future holds.

The only humble advice from us to you is that the show shouldn’t be missed and that walking away from the Xbox can be good for the psyche. There’s real people doing real things out there and you shouldn’t be one of the ones missing out on a good time. We know we won’t be.

Show Deets:

     Thursday, Feb. 27th, 2014 @ 10:00 p.m.
     1005 Pearl St, Boulder, CO 80302 (map
     Because the butt-groove in your couch needs a rest and turning off the Xbox One every so often is good for the internal mechanics. Or just watch the video below to see what you’ll be in for.
How Much:
     Freebie, zilch, nada, none. Go ahead mooch on that s#!^