Do you lack any kind of creative thought processes and have no idea what to use the kitchen for — but still want to impress your loved ones? Look no further.
Do you lack any kind of creative thought process and have no idea what to use the kitchen for — but still want to impress your loved ones? Look no further than the world’s easiest and downright tastiest dessert: the Ice Cream Sammich Cake. With $5 bucks and around 10 minutes to spare for prep time, you can impress just about anyone.
1 Box (or whatever) ice cream sandwiches
1 can Whipped Cream or jar of icing
Edible confetti or other decorative munchies (optional)
A little bit of self-esteem, general know-how and motivation (not optional)
– Layer ice cream sandwiches one by one in whatever even formation of your choosing — be it in a glass baking dish or on a plate. One layer is fine, two layers are better, but three layers is king! Don’t be bashful.
– Next, either top the cake with store-bought icing, or make it even easier with whipped cream from a can. Add preferred toppings and place it in the freezer for at least an hour to settle in.
– Proceed to savor in your accomplishment knowing you’ve finally done something productive with your off time.
– Hip tip: Have a glass of warm water to dip the knife in with each stroke to make the icing glaze easier. Warm/semi-hot knives also work best to cut the cake while dishing it out.
– Optional toppings: Hot fudge, caramel, chopped pecans, chopped walnuts, diced fruits, infant tears, crushed candy bits, bacon, coffee beans, Swiss Cake Rolls, a full pork roast — really anything you want. It’s your cake.
All nutrition information is contingent on the types of sammich bars used and what toppings you’ve chosen — we went basic this one time, but that doesn’t mean we’re basic.
Per Serving:
Calories: 380
Total Fat: 15 g
Sat Fat: 9 g
Sodium: 400 mg
Sugars: 33 g
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