The last thing any guy wants is to turn a girl into a sex-craving, nymphomaniac that can't help herself but feen for constant sex. That sounds absolutely horrible. According to one critic of the new female libido-enhancing pill "Lybrido" that's what the future holds if this drug maintains its existence on shelves. 

The outbreak of sexually charged women could be so bad that the would go as far as to reject the drug solely over fears that it would create "sexually aggressive women," said Daniel Bergner of the New York Times. 

The original intention of Lybrido was to rejuvenate stale relationships, but studies indicate that instead of helping relationships, the pill is helping women get their groove back just as Stella once did. 

“You want your effects to be good but not too good,” Andrew Goldstein, who is conducting the study in Washington said. “There was a lot of discussion about it by the experts in the room … the need to show that you’re not turning women into nymphomaniacs. There’s a bias against — a fear of creating the sexually aggressive women." 

First, how does one become an observer of this study? And second, in an internal Rooster office survey of every man within five feet of us, it was a general consensus that they'd deal with the consequences of sexually aggressive women if need be. Who says chivalry is dead?