Weed chicken, stoned sausage pizzas and baked-ass eggs benedict aren't too far off, it seems.
People eat marijuana all day every day in the vaguely dusty comfort of their own homes, but recently, we've seen more and more restaurants gunning to put it on the menu.
Weed chicken, stoned sausage pizzas and baked-ass eggs benedict aren't too far off, it seems.
Prime example: Seattle's 5 Point Cafe, which is currently pushing to widen the number of options on its menu by putting weed on customers’ plates. Like, "Here ya go, here's some weed!"
Chef David Meinert likes to keep his customers' dining experiences on the edgy side; his restaurant is known for its kumbaya-crew of tourists and motorcycle clubs who apparently exist together in perfect symbiotic harmony. Adding weed to his menu will only enhance that.
And so far, customer are pretty down to get baked while their food does the same. One of them, Caitlyn Hamilton, thinks the change is definitely one to consider.
“I think absolutely,” she said. “I work in the tourism business and we get a lot of people just coming in for cannabis anyway.”
It's a really brilliant business plan if you think about it … serve people weed, they get munchies, they buy more of your food, which comes with weed, and the cycle just repeats itself until the moon crashes into the Earth and we all die from the resulting shitty WiFi signals.
However, it could be a minute before 5 Point starts serving spliffs; while Washington's bill I-502 legalized pre-packaged marijuana, it had no provisions for open containers or on-site consumption.
Interpret that as you like, but we'll read it to mean "Add a side of joints to my baked pot pie, porfavor."
In the meantime, we're over here in Colorado like yum yum yum yum yum:
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