This story brings a tear to our eye. Not because the senior responsible for said prank is totally fucked, but because we're overwhelmed with joy knowing that the old penis-on-the-field prank lives on. It takes true ingenuity to execute such a prank and this senior did so to perfection. Although, he's probably regretting doing so at this time.

This story brings a tear to our eye. Not because the senior responsible for said prank is totally fucked, but because we're overwhelmed with joy knowing that the old penis-on-the-field prank lives on. It takes true ingenuity to execute such a prank and this senior did so to perfection. 

When officials at Nature Coast Technical High School began setting up the stands and seats for graduation, they stumbled across something unfamiliar etched into the green grasses of the field where the graduation was to be held. Upon further review, the crew noticed that it wasn't just a few dead spots of grass, but a bunch of dead spots that when combined, outlined the shape of the male anatomy, or penis for the laymen. And this wasn't just any penis. It was in fact a large rendition of the male anatomy spanning the length of the football field. Surely inappropriate for the ceremonial graduation of the senior class to be held on the field.  

News of the large penis quickly spread through out the high school, halting the graduation ceremonies and igniting a search for the perpetrator responsible for the phallic art. Principal, Toni-Ann Noyes told the Tampa Bay Times that the penis was burnt into the grass using some type of weed killer placed on the field about two weeks ago. As for the penis perpetrator, they are in custody. 

"I'm going to have over 2,000 people sitting in our stands, and we take great pride in our Nature Coast graduation," Noyes said. "I was very disappointed that someone would do this and not think of the other students and the families that would have to look at this."

That's a shame. Any damages incurred by the prank will be the direct responsibility of the student's family. In the meantime, school officials have strategically covered up the problem by spray painting the penis green to match the grass as well as put "2014" over the phallic outline. And although a few students have taken to Twitter to voice their outrage that graduation will now be held in the gym, we still give the student who executed the trick two giant thumbs up for having the balls to go through with this. Even if they won't graduate.