Motivation comes in all shapes and sizes …

Everyone has habits they wish they could throw in the past. Spending hours on the Internet, smoking tobacco stick-butts, biting away hangnails or even just being a reluctant sloth. Regardless the habit, they're all hard to quit.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a friend around that slapped the shit out of you every time old habits began to win? It's no accommodating friend, but startup company Pavlok has just what people need to kick dirty life-addictions — in the form of mild electrocution.

The fancy wristband syncs with a phone (like everything else) and can be programmed to prevent anyone from indulging in all kinds of sinful pleasures. It works pretty simple, every time someone starts a bad habit, the Pavlok picks up on it and uses any means necessary to stop the offender.

But shocking is a last ditch effort, because first the band will vibrate … then beep … then poke … and finally — if you’re still thinking nobody is paying any attention, it shocks the pee free. Hell it will even post to Facebook feeds and snitch to friends about just how unproductive and sinful a user really is. Sounds like mom, only with tighter hugs …

But on the bright side, it rewards people for breaking your bad habits, too. The less it shocks and the more goals are completed in the app, the more “Volts” you receive. Volts are a currency users can use to purchase neat things inside the app, and can even be withdrawn for cold-hard cash. Kind of like mom, only with more money …

That’s right, Pavlok is willing to pay anyone for being a better person, and it claims the program only takes five days of shock therapy to start seeing improvements.

But wait, THERE'S MORE! Not only does the wristband police people's actions, but the app that controls it allows at-will shocking, just in case the wristband is doing its job. Could it be, possibly, trouble is just waiting to happen with this feature? Just imagine wearing the Pavlok while your stoned "friends" hack a nearby phone and BLAM — you're having actual living shit shocked out of your areas. 

Possible torturing aside, we think it may be good for Pavlok to give one of these to Donald Trump, just so the American population can shock his ass every time he is being ign'ant.