Say hello to your potential new governor, Mike Dunafon, also known as the Strip Club King! Shotgun Willie's owner Mike Dunafon made a promise that he’d run for governor of Colorado if he could get 60,000 likes on his Facebook page before his 60th birthday in April. And guess what, good people of the square state … it's gonna happen. Titties and stripper glitter for all!

Say hello to your potential new governor, Mike Dunafon, also known as the Strip Club King!

Shotgun Willie's owner Mike Dunafon made a promise that he’d run for governor of Colorado if he could get 60,000 likes on his Facebook page before his 60th birthday in April. And guess what, good people of the square state … it's gonna happen. Mike's currently got around 62,000 likes, and you know what that means: titties and stripper glitter for all! Now that's a platform we can get behind (if by 'platform' you mean 'platform stripper heels.' Good god, there are so many joke opportunities here…).

Mike is currently the libertarian mayor of Glendale, a molecule-sized town in Denver proper, but he's also the mayor of naked ladies, so it looks to us like he's got the political prowess for the job. And come on, if you can keep a room full of strippers in line, you can run a state.

This November, he'll vie for Colorado's highest office as an independent, although he claims to be good friends with both Democrats and Republicans. Well, everyone knows stripper boobs know no party lines. Just lines of cocaine.

Mike, who’s first foray into politics involved putting videos on YouTube showing him rhapsodizing about liberty, trout, and dogs in front of a fireplace, believes the time is right for a candidate who uses technology and social media to bypass the usual party system. And that belief apparently has some support behind it; most of his Facebook likes come from Coloradans between 18-25 years old.

So far, thanks to his popularity on social media, he hasn't had to spend a cent on campaigning or garnering Facebok likes, but we're pretty sure if you threw a couple of ones at him, he'd tuck them into his rhinestone thong and shake it for you.