To align themselves with our quick-natured intake, Snapchat has added a new way for users to quickly gorge themselves with content.

As Americans we devour mass media like we shoot our booze tasters: Quick, painless and just enough before we feel nauseous and our hearts start to palpitate. With the growing amount of things to do in life and the seemingly lessening of time to do them, we try to take in as much as we can in how little we can.

To align themselves with that kind of intake, everyone’s favorite sexting app Snapchat (did we see this one coming?) released a new way for users to quickly gorge themselves with content, all while avoiding the pressure of sending nudes to random nobodies. Snapchat Discover hosts a bevy of short media spots from a variety of reputable information sources with the ease of a finger swipe.

CNN, Comedy Central, Cosmo, Daily Mail, ESPN, Food Network, National Geographic and VICE are a few of the powerhouse names on the new Snapchat Discover roster. Regardless of how users feel about any of them, they’re sources which consistently prove to be accurate and thorough with their own ways of delivering worldly events.

“Snapchat Discover is a new way to explore Stories from different editorial teams,” says the company’s blog. “It’s the result of collaboration with world-class leaders in media to build a storytelling format that puts the narrative first. This is not social media.

“Social media companies tell us what to read based on what’s most recent or most popular. We see it differently. We count on editors and artists, not clicks and shares, to determine what’s important.

“Discover is different because it has been built for creatives. All too often, artists are forced to accommodate new technologies in order to distribute their work. This time we built the technology to serve the art: each edition includes full screen photos and videos, awesome long form layouts, and gorgeous advertising.”

Basically, Snapchat send users a short clip of important events inside of the Discover platform. Once there, the user can either go back to what made Snapchat relevant in the first place and send a filtered version of whatever parts look good in fluorescent lighting, or continue on to the full video of the story.

As with Snapchat, Discover stories will be updated every 24 hours while the old ones will be lost for good. When that happens everyone must resort to the old way of gathering lost information, like Googling, or waiting for that one slow aunt to share a news story on her feed that was relevant last month.

Last year Facebook offered to buy Snapchat for more than $3 billion dollars. When the offer was subsequently rejected, the collective world was in shock. About how many value meals is that exactly? We don’t know, but let’s just say we would have been setting sail to some offshore area where nobody could find us.

According to Forbes, however, Snapchat co-founders Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy continued to raise money after the offer and — after an evaluation round of $10 billion dollars — are now within the Forbe’s billionaires rankings, each with an estimated net worth of $1.5 billion dollars …

… for a phone app, that was created for sexting, and is now on its way to being one of the leaders of mass media consumption in the world.

The hell are we doing with our lives …