The curved POV is going to be saweet!
In a sudden redirection of tides, the social media giant Snapchat recently rebranded itself to show the world it can do more than just make sexting apps.
The company changed its official name to Snap Inc., while also revealing plans to release a new pair of $129.99 sunglasses, ones that promise to change the way people send data to their social media accounts.
The glasses, known as "Spectacles," are just like any ordinary pair of sunglasses, except they feature a built in camera allowing for users to record 10-30 second long videos with the press of a button.
The hands free design of the glasses means people will no longer be stuck holding up their phones to take videos of concerts, parties or whatever else they want to film like peasants. The new glasses allow for the user to fully interact with the scene around them, not just film as a bystander.
According to a press release on Snap Inc.'s website, the glasses will last a full day on one battery fill and can charge themselves while sitting in the case. They can also share videos straight from the glasses to a user's phone through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
Not only did Snap Inc. create an entirely new way of sharing videos, but CEO Evan Spiegel and his team built one of the smallest camera's to date for shooting video in an unconventional way.
Most small cameras, like the one on Apple's iPhone and other smartphones, shoot flat videos. This means the videos are designed to fit and be viewed on a flat screen, like a phone or computer. But Spiegal says he felt that wasn't good enough to the progression of tech, and created a lens that gives the video a rounded look.
The curved appearance is more accurate to the way humans actually see the world around them and also allows for a wider field of view. This means the videos will look more natural and give Snapchat's POV a face lift.
Although they don't have an official release date, Spectacles are set to be available in limited quantities sometime this fall.
Your Snaps will never be the same.
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