Tsk tsk Sony! You know better than to use someone's song without permission, you hypocritical behemoth you! 

Hollywood, it never ceases to amaze us. And not in a complimentary way, either …

What better way to sell something than to create a ton of controversy around it, yes? It gets people talking, wondering and, in the end, buying. If a company can get a particular piece of work on the tongues of a huge assortment of people — especially around the holidays when there isn’t much else to do than download a crappy film — then it’s no doubt going to go somewhere.

The piece doesn’t even have to be good, as is the case with the ongoing debacle surrounding The Interview, which features the always-bland James Franco and his man-child companion Seth Rogen.

But all country-whining drama aside, Sony Pictures Entertainment is, not surprisingly, in more heat related to the film. According to the hip-pop singer known as Yoon Mi-rae (real name Natasha Shanta Reid), Sony Entertainment went ahead and used one of her songs, “Pay Day,” without first attaining permission.

Anyone would be correct in being slightly confused, as Sony is one of the handful of behemoths always complaining about online pirating while waging expensive wars on basement downloaders. The green light to go ahead with the unlicensed song is a mistake Yoon Mi-rae and her team at the Feel Ghood Music label say was initially on the table, but had since fallen off.

“There were initial discussions for using ‘Pay Day‘ in the movie, but at some point, the discussions ceased and we assumed that it would not follow through,” a representative of Feel Ghood Music told Soompi.com. “However, after the movie was released, we learned that the track had been used without permission, legal procedure, or contracts. We will be taking legal action against Sony Pictures as well as DFSB, the agency that had been carrying out the discussion regarding the use of the track.”

It’s unlikely this will be a raging conflict amongst the suits moving forward, but it is another blip on the already tarnished Sony Entertainment, which felt the wrath of online hackers after the films premise of assassinating the leader of North Korea was released. The hacks leaked private documents from Sony and were just as anyone would expect them to be: Mean spirited, pretentious, racist and above all, pretty f-ing boring.

The US government blames North Korea for the hack and other experts claim them to have been done by Russians. Either way, Sony got nailed, and the fallout from it all is going to be the extreme kind. Jobs lost, people shunned and Hollywood even more despicable than before.

Can we just put a mirror in front of the whole city so we don’t have to deal with it anymore while its distracted staring at itself for the rest of time?