No coffee, no workee …

This past February a little-known coffee chain named Starbucks announced it would cease selling physical CDs at all of its 137 billion locations around the universe. But the caffeine-slinging behemoth hasn’t given up on music just yet. Late last month Starbucks, along with Spotify, announced a partnership that would allow the streaming service to play music through its stores, all while curating playlists through barista accounts and customer requests.

Along with allowing customers to collect "rewards points" good towards Starbucks coffee through plays, the polarizing service will also give every Starbucks employee a premium account to contribute to what they’re calling a “music ecosystem.” So instead of getting their enhanced jollies off by misspelling “Dante” to “Don’t-eh?” — we’ll also have to endure a short, in-house rotating playlist of only three songs from Belle and Sebastian, a local singer/songwriter and Grimes … only.