Drugs are ba-a-a-ad, m'kay?

Residents of one small Welsh village in the Swansea valley of South Wales are left horrified after what appears to be stoned sheep terrorizing the area when consuming the marijuana. Possibly even multiple marijuanas. 

According to Daily Mail, the remains of an illegal grow operation were dumped on the side of the road where flocks tend to gather. After possibly consuming the plants, blasted sheep began getting into villagers' gardens and standing in the middle of the road forgetting where they actually are. One even "entered a bungalow and left a mess in the bedroom," County councillor Ioan Richard says.

He is reasonably worried that others flocks may get into the plants as well, causing a type of epidemic the world has never seen before — and may never recover from.

"I dread to think what will happen if they eat what could well be cannabis plants – we could have an outbreak out of psychotic sheep rampaging through the village," he tells Daily Mail.

Proving once and for all, of course, that Colorado's legal lettuce is a horrific disaster and to keep our large populations of sheep — and maybe children too — far away from consuming marijuanas at all costs.

When reached for comment, one sheep simply giggled at our American accent. 

The world may never be the same …

An enthralling photo of the dumped marijuanas, via Daily Mail.