Only ten out of almost 25 million travelers passing through the Illuminati safe haven that is DIA have been caught with weed. Most likely because nothing harshes your mellow like hearing the snap of latex gloves as TSA agent pulls you aside. Or, you know most people are law abiding citizens.
Only ten out of almost 25 million travelers passing through the Illuminati safe haven that is DIA have been caught with weed. Most likely because nothing harshes your mellow like hearing the snap of latex gloves as a TSA agent pulls you aside. Or, you know, most people are law abiding citizens.
The Denver Post reported earlier this week that nobody is bringing their weed to the airport, and that’s great news because it shows that everyone’s on the same, “let’s not fuck this whole legal weed thing up,” page. Even TSA said pot is a not an issue at the airport, which is impressive because ham sandwiches and two oz of hand sanitizer are issues for TSA.
DIA is the first facility in Colorado to prohibit pot possession, consumption, distribution, sale, transport and growth since it was legalized in January. Just so we're all clear, it's illegal to grow weed at the airport. Everyone got that? Cool. Moving along.
If they spot your stash during your oh-so-fun security scan TSA calls the cops, and they politely ask you to toss it, take it back to your car or hand it over to your ride and send you on your merry way. They threaten a $999 fine, and may decide to give you a $150 citation if you’re being a real douche about it. But nobody’s been slapped with one of those because flying sucks and who's got time to be hassled by the Man when you’re already late for your flight?
So the moral of this story is, keep doing what you’re doing travelers. Get blazed while you’re here, eat an edible before your flight and leave any excess cannabis with a friend or as a tip for housekeeping. There’s a lot more you can do with $999, like buying another vacation to Denver where you can smoke however much you can handle. And remember do NOT grow weed at the airport.
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