A recent study provided by The Marijuana Policy Group revealed many delicious factoids about the world of weed, including that out-of-towners and your grandma are the only people that buy recreational weed, 22 percent of the pot-smokers here go through 60 percent of our state's weed, and that they expect us to smoke 130 metric tons of reefer this year.

A recent study provided by The Marijuana Policy Group revealed many delicious factoids about the world of weed, including that out-of-towners and your grandma are the only people that buy recreational weed, 22 percent of the pot-smokers here go through 60 percent of our state's weed, and that they expect us to smoke 130 metric tons of reefer this year.

One hundred and thirty metric tons. That's a lot of weed.

That means that if we smoke a gram a day, as certain stoners are known to do, we have to smoke 351, 772 joints to meet the study's loft goal … excuse us, "estimate." Challenge accepted!

Since we're going to be consuming that much weed this year, we wanted to know what else weighs 130 metric tons.

One Full-Grown Blue Whale 

Good thing you don't have to smoke the full 130 metric tons of weed to think you can talk to whales …

1,850 Kegs of Beer

That's enough for 100 frat parties, or one Rooster company meeting.

13 Bull African Elephants

Suddenly, the "elephant in the room" is the 259,999 pounds of weed you haven't smoked yet.

143,300 Bottles of Vodka

Take one down, pass it around 143,299 bottles of vodka on the wall. 

The Payload of NASA's New Space Launch Mission Rocket

Extraterrestrials, we come in puffs. Take us to your bong.

143,382,133 bags of Doritos


Doritos dust body painting anyone?

69 Ferrarris 

If we smoke all that weed ourselves, will you at least give us one of those? Suddenly, we need a company car …

40,942 Jack'n'Grill Breakfast Burrito Challenges


… But there's no amount of weed you can smoke to convince your stomach to fit all of this in there.

If Coloradans do end up smoking that much grass this year, the state may have a few metric tons of cash to count,  we'll have to change the name of the song to Rocky Mountain High-as-Fuck, and nobody is going to be surprised. Pass that shit already!