Is nothing in this world sacred anymore!?
Today at the butt-crack of dawn, authorities in Zionsville, IN raided the home of Subway’s Sweetheart, Jared Fogle, with an arrest warrant reportedly tied to the investigation surrounding child pornography. Ew.
The situation is ongoing for now, but the drama comes at an odd time for the fat-to-fit spokesman of the famed sandwich chain …
A few months back in April, the executive director of the Jared Foundation, Russell Taylor, was taken into the clink on three counts of possession of child pornography, three counts of child exploitation and three counts of voyeurism. Ew. According to TMZ, Taylor had close to 500 videos containing child pornography, ew, and unsuccessfully tried to off himself while rotting in jail since the arrest.
The foundation immediately cut all ties to Taylor after the news hit mainstream.
Let’s not blow this thing up to unsubstantiated proportions for sensationalism right away, however, because Fogle is still innocent until proven guilty (at least legally, not, of course, in the court of public opinion) and should have his share of due process.
Reports confirm the police have taken electronic equipment from the house, but Fogle has not been arrested and was allowed to leave with his family — children included. The two cases may not be linked … but they could be … but then again they couldn’t … it’s all speculation at this point. But, seriously, ew.
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