These local Starbucks want you to have a drink to get up, then another to go down — all in one convenient place.

Does one side of your personality crave being lifted up by stimulants in order to tackle the insane ramblings of the real world, while the other demands it be pushed into a depressive mind-cave by the beauty of alcohol? Because one company wants to make it so you won’t have to visit two different stores to do so. Introducing the Starbucks coffee and booze initiative — coming to the Denver area soon!

In what the company is calling a “Starbucks Evening” concept, the mostly-visited-in-the-morning coffee joint is widening its venture into new territory by offering up adult drinks and goodies like appetizers to attract evening crowds.

Recently, Coffee House Holdings Inc. — a subsidiary of Starbucks — submitted applications to provide wine and beer at seven different locations around Denver. Public hearings for a few of the licenses are scheduled this month, while the rest will take place in July and shortly thereafter.

The seven locations with applications in limbo are … drum roll please:

"We take great care in evaluating the right coffee and food experience for each individual store, including the evenings menu," spokeswoman Holly Hart Shafer writes in an email to the Denver Post. "And, as you've probably seen, we're in the very early stages of considering Denver for the Evenings menu. It's a long and thoughtful process, and the permit filing is just one of many steps we take.

Starbucks began its “Evenings” concept in Oct of 2010. Currently more than 35 shops are peppered in areas of Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, Los Angeles, Orlando and Portland that offer up the post-work party. Liquor sales generally start at noon on weekends and 2:00 pm on weekdays.

Sorry early boozers, we're going to have to wait until at least the afternoon to let inhibitions fly and rational thought go AWOL — but such is life, amiright?

And if the great overlords of the Starbucks Empire are reading this article right now, may we make a few suggestions on what to offer us here in Colorado?

FRAPBALLCCINO:  Your standard frappuccino with a double shot of Fireball whiskey

ICED SKINNYGIRL:  Well, actually this can just be wine in a Starbucks cup for camouflaged public consumption

CARMALIBU MACCHIATO:  Delete coffee, add Malibu rum and small umbrella

BLOODY AMERICANOS:  Red, white and blue Bloody Marys. We don't know how, just do it for America. Jesus.

CAPPUCCINO BOMBS:  2 shots of espresso for the up, 2 shots of vodka for the down = mental equilibrium

PUMPKIN ALE SPICED LATTE:  Pumpkin beer is good in anything … and speaking of …

CRAFT BEER:  If you’re gonna be down with us here, you have to be down  with us here — catch the drift?