*long, deeply downtrodden sigh*

It's a strange thing, this world. Not days after it was revealed one of the oldest institutions in human history, the Catholic Church, allowed (and covered up for decades) the literal fucking of countless children, an innocuous Nike ad hit the Internet and made everyone forget all about it. Or maybe, they never cared in the first place.

We digress.

It featured the semi-okay (backup at best) quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who in 2016 roiled the NFL by sitting down, and then kneeling, during the National Anthem as a silent protest to what he eventually attributed to social injustice. It was clear then, he hit a nerve. So two years later, a corporate behemoth finally jumped on the train to manipulate its consumers into buying over-priced goods likely made by 7 year olds. (There's a "child" theme going on that's making us irreparably uncomfortable right now.)

Exhibit A:

graphic - Kaepernick Nike ad meme

And just like clockwork, the Internet heeded the call — gut-jumping memes everywhere began sprouting up in both protest of the viral ad, and in support.

(If you're curious: in a matter of 24 hours, Nike received over $43 million in free advertising buzz because of the ad in just 24 hours. It's much more now.)

Our week made, all thanks to selfless meme-makers like these …


Britney just did it again. By @freddiemade Show us your best #justdoit memes! #nike #kaepernick #colinkaepernick #britney #britneyspears

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[cover photo via Dan Worthington