Some of the workshops include: Tinder Lovin’ Care, Butt Stuff, How to Drive a Vulva and Kegel for a Bagel.

Old wrinkly politicians hate sex. They especially hate sex when hot young college coeds are having good sex. If politicians are only known for horribly misunderstanding two things — its sex and young people.

So its no surprise state politicians in Tennessee are losing their minds over the upcoming "Sex Week" the University of Tennessee Knoxville has planned, and are doing all they can to stop it.

The week long event will be hosted by amateur pornstar and self-described “queer diesel femme” Sophia St. James. Sex Week starts on Monday, Apr 4, and has a number of workshops and lectures scheduled. Some of the workshops include: Tinder Lovin’ Care, Butt Stuff, How to Drive a Vulva and Kegel for a Bagel.

However, Sex Week isn’t just about how to fuck better. In addition to these actual sex workshops, there will be a number of lectures on health issues and maintaining positive body images. The university will also host free STD testing all week long.

But the idea of a week long sex-positive event on the university’s campus has really rustled the jimmies of conservative Tennessee politicians. For example, State Rep Kevin Brooks is appalled by the idea stating: “The fact that we are using state dollars and state classrooms on state campuses to promote UT Sex Week is unforgiveable.” Which to us really sounds like Kevin Brooks hasn’t been laid in a long, loooong time.

Unfortunately, his opinion (which is shit) is all too common amongst conservative Tennessee politicians who have been doing all they can to stop the event. Lawmakers have advanced a bill to prevent the university from using state funds for Sex Week, and to additionally strip the school of $100,000 in funding as punishment for promoting such a sultry event.

The university has ignored all threats from state legislators, though, and has effectively told them to go fuck themselves. This has obviously enraged the prude legislators. State Rep Micah Van Huss in response to the school's position said, “I don’t trust the University of Tennessee to fix this. I don’t want to micromanage the university, but when they have shown again and again and again that they are incapable of fixing it on their own — I’ve got to step in.”

Proving once again that undersexed politicians love to push their misery onto others. If anything, Van Huss should attend some of the events and learn how to properly shove it.