You can now get hammered by sucking vaporized alcohol out of a balloon, which is great for anyone who can’t stomach the after-burn of shots. 

European-based company, Cloud Buzz, says they have designed specially-made balloons (yep, like birthday party balloons) and inflated them with pre-mixed pressurized booze mist so you can drink without, well, drinking. 

Currently spreading their new-booze gospel at festivals and private parties, Cloud Buzz is trying to get the proverbial buzz out by launching an Indiegogo campaign on November 23… just in time for non-Black Friday shoppers to invest in a cause they truly believe in. Getting drunk. 

No, there’s no helium in the balloons (although that could be a wild mix), so the balloons don’t float on their own but are meant to be held by the “drinker” and sipped or shot. 

Cloud Buzz says they can fill their balloons with any spirit and create a medley of air shots including Tropical Gin, Cinnamon Whiskey, Blackberry Vodka, and Black Spiced Rum. Each balloon shot is filled from a booze mist hose and then passed off for the drinker to enjoy their alkie-air. 

According to a Partner in the company, this is a healthier way of partying because the air spirits have less calories and cause “No Hangover,”… which is a claim we’d love to believe but it’s hard to imagine. The Partner also says there is “enhanced flavor” when the booze is vaporized. 

The concept of a drinkable balloon shot is no doubt intriguing and we’ll 100-percent be trying them, but the idea is reminiscent of a whippit or old school middle school helium high. And what would happen if a box of vaporized alcohol accidentally spills in a small room. Would you get beyond wasted being unable to escape breathing in the mist? The buzz from a Cloud Buzz is touted as “instant” so yeah, there are some potential good and bad experiments people could do with this technology. 

With their HQ based in Latvia, we’re sure Cloud Buzz is testing all that freaky shit in-house. 

Believe it or not, the idea of a room or club filled with breathable alcohol mist didn’t start with Cloud Buzz. It’s been done before by Alcoholic Architecture, created by Bompas & Parr— a badass installation design studio based in London. 

The description of their club (now closed and pending a new location) comes straight from an SNL Stefon bit:

“Located on the site of a former monastery and next to London’s oldest Gothic cathedral, our cloud is presented as part of a journey that pays tribute to monks and other religious orders that have been responsible for creating iconic liquors over the centuries. Our cocktail list is entirely comprised of spirits and beers created by monks: potations such as Chartreuse, Benedictine, Champagne, Trappist beers and even the notorious Buckfast – a fortified wine so savage that some Scottish politicians are calling for a ban of the caffeinated intoxicant.”

Cloud Buzz won’t be as experiential, but it’s a new boozy idea that I’d be down to get lit on. Let’s vape tequila!