Could it be that a homegrown talent is playing with the big kids now?
Say whaaaat!? In the midst our evening regiment last night of warming our insides with schnapps and weeping inconsolably into redlined bank statements, we hear a familiar sound in the distance as the flickering lights of our old-school tube TV is on in the background. Could it be that our iPhones had been mistakenly touched, turning on one of our favorite Big Gigantic tracks "Get On Up" — or has this Mountain Dew commercial really gone and licensed a homegrown talent?
Take a look at the video up yonder, it's true, Big Gigantic is making that big time money now that it's licensing tracks in massive commercial deals. In an industry where it's imperative to get music out to every ear an artist can, nothing could be a better move for an act than selling your hard work to a global behemoth. What a saxy thing for the duo to do. Congrats, gentlemen!
YouTubers love it too …
Cover Photo: CHIEFB
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