It, uh, well … it's something alright …

When you're worth more than most countries' annual GNP, you can do whatever the fuck you want to. No rules. But most of those rich bastards spend their time buying yachts and killing people while filming documentaries for the real-life, 100 percent true series called Hostel. Not Bill Gates, though.

Instead of murdering stolen students, Gates and his wife Melinda are always on the grind working to fix everything wrong in this world with their fortunes — out there putting their money where people's mouths are. Last night on the Jimmy Fallon show, the two multi-billionaires plugged their initiative (one where he and Melinda write about clean energy for the rest of the world or whatever something something) with a self-described "viral video" of him DJing to a bunch of kids. 

It, uh, well … it's something alright …