Area nice guy Mario Diaz was going about his business, reporting a story on Shia LeBeouf like nice guys do, when a certain somebody whose name rhymes with "'Merica Tattoo" launched a full-scale assault of gentle kisses on his ass.

Area nice guy Mario Diaz was going about his business, reporting a story on Shia LeBeouf like nice guys do, when a certain somebody whose name rhymes with "'Merica Tattoo" launched a full-scale assault of gentle kisses on his ass.

Wearing a comically large hat normally reserved for Arby's storefront signs, famous crooner Erykah Badu interrupted his newscast as if interrupting newscasts was her job. Only problem was, Good Guy Mario wasn't having it. No; the desire to contine reporting about Shia LeBeouf overwhelmed his animalistic desire to smooch a famous, babely celebrity.

Oh, and his wife and two-year-old child were standing 20 feet away.

Witness the glory:

Erykah apologized to Mario, King of Not Making Out With Erykah Badu, over Twitter. But she did not, and should never, explain why she decided to terrorize this particular man with her supreme love. But, being the gentleman that he is, Mario softened the crushing blow of rejection by replying to her Tweet with the following Prince lyrics:

Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with I just want your extra time and your….. kiss.

Twat tease. Erykah, come to our office and we'll show you how an impromptu street makeout session while wearing large hats is done.