For over two decades, Scottish author Graham Hancock spent sixteen hours a day stoned out his mind. He never saw that behavior as an addiction necessarily, but when it began to negatively interfere with his work and family life, he was aware enough to seek external help to help him kick his habit. However it wasn't to psychoptherapy or addiction counseling he turned to … it was ayahuasca. Killing the party with party, huh?

In this now-banned 2013 TED Talk, Hancock shares his findings about how ayahuasca, a naturally-occurring hallucinogen that contains psychedelic DMT, helped him kick his weed habit and change his life. Of course, TED censored Hancock's speech on the grounds that they felt it encouraged illegal drug use, and they've since removed the video from their channels.

Suckers apparently haven't heard of YouTube, ha ha, satisfied chortle.

There's no denying that Hancock's speech is real edge-of-the-internet stuff, but he has some really valid points. Although he presents a sort of dystopian, flower grandchild-y view of how fucked humanity is since Western society has "distanced itself from the spirit," he's right in that psychedelics can have a profoundly positive effect on people's heath. Many psychedelics, from LSD to MDMA to psilocybin have been proven to help kick addictions and improve mental health … in fact, psilocybin is 80 percent better than the most effective smoking cessation method at beating nitcotine addiction, and both MDMA and LSD have been used to treat alcohol addiction, depression and anxiety. Given their well-documented success rates, it's time the science and political communities start considering these hallucinogens as viable medical options. 

We'll leave it up to you to take a stance, but it does get weird scrolling through pages of the fevered debate that followed Hancock's censorship: if this is nothing more than a whacked-out hippie dick theory, (*hits bong*) why'd they want it taken down so bad?