To prove that his marriage to Kim Kardashian is real and in no way a publicity stunt, Kanye is building a church to commemorate their not-for-TV love.

To prove that his marriage to Kim Kardashian is real and in no way a publicity stunt, Kanye is building a church to commemorate their not-for-TV love.

But, it’s not just any church he’s building … it’s something similar to the world-famous La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, which is still unfinished despite being constructed in 1882. It’s also probably the most intricate structure we’ve ever seen. Almost as intricate as the publicity stunt that is definitely not Kim and Kanye's holy union.

“Kanye has visited the church several times, and it takes his breath away every time. He’s always wanted something similar for his own family,” an insider told Daily Mail.

The church will feature a giant stained glass thing of Kanye, Kim and North West (the baby, not the airline), and will be a revolting hybrid of a tourist attraction, national monument, and place of worship. Kanye has set aside a cool $5 million for the project and plans to 'start an online appeal so fans can donate to the fund. We know what we're doing with our paycheck later! Yeezus christ.