We get it; your cat's ability to wear things on its head just isn't cutting it anymore. You need something new. Something that'll take your feline's fashion out to dinner, make sweet love to it, then make it breakfast in the morning. In other words, your cat needs a head-gear makeover. A magical makeover. Well, have we got the product for you.

We get it; your cat's ability to wear things on its head just isn't cutting it anymore. You need something new. Something that'll take your feline's fashion out to dinner, make sweet love to it, then make it breakfast in the morning. In other words, your cat needs a head-gear makeover. A magical makeover. Well, have we got the product for you.

Are you sitting down? Good. Are you drinking coffee? Swallow it to avoid spewing. Good. Now close your eyes and count to three…NOW OPEN. Voilà, the answer to your prayers! It's the Inflatable Unicorn Horn for Cats.

This inflatable cat horn made us and our cats feel like we'd been living in the dark ages. Really, what have we been doing all these years not putting this on our kitties? How have our cats survived without a towering plastic cone protruding from their skull? And cats love it. Take a look!

Still not convinced? Please, allow the makers of the Inflatable Unicorn Horn for Cats convince you.

Your cat pretends to be standoffish and cool, but slip this Inflatable Unicorn Horn for Cats on top of kitty's cranium and he'll reveal the fun-loving feline that you know he hides beneath his scowl…Cats think it's cool, especially when they get to wear it in front of other cats. Why have just a regular cat when you could have a caticorn? It's not at all even a little bit humiliating. Be careful—some people report that it has turned their cat into a jerk.

Oh, so now you want to see this baby in action? Well grab some popcorn and take a seat on your favorite couch-spot because there's a film about it so you can see how the Inflatable Unicorn Horn for Cats shimmies and shakes in the real world.