Stranger than fiction, and all of that …
We've all seen those ridiculous headlines about people who are too drunk to even be riding in a car, much less driving one. You know, like the Taco Bell bro who kicked the shit out of his driver for no reason or the doctor who went on a rampage because she's an entitled little twit. Those ones. But this is an Uber story we never thought we'd hear … coming from two parties who were completely sober.
This past weekend, two women who have never met in person before (that have had an on-again, off-again Twitter feud for the past few years) reportedly got into a small brawl because they couldn't keep out of each others' Twitter mentions. Somehow, one of them that goes by the name @FunSizeMela, got the other's address and Ubered to her house looking to throw down. According to both parties, the exchange wasn't super aggressive, however, @FunSizeMela got her ass "slung around like a rag doll."
So how does something like this escalate to the point of someone actually paying a driver to take them to a stranger's house? Who knows, but per the tweets, it looks like comment thread bickering gone way overboard.
In the beginning …
… and it just won't stop …
Enter more shit talking and the band being snapped completely …
We're assuming this is where the Uber ride happened. Then the ass-whoopin' happened. Then the awkward Uber ride back home …
People on Twitter were confused as hell …
But nothing changed. Nothing ever changes …
We gotta hand it to her though, that's serious dedication to pad an online persona — even if she is out $20 bucks and a bit of respect.
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