She should be arrested for stealing our hearts … 

So stealing is bad, mmkay? We totally disapprove. That's why we're not mad at, but kind of dissapointed in, Stephanie Beaudoin, a 21-year-old Canadian woman who went viral a couple of years ago after stealing $58,000 worth of items over the course of 42 separate break-ins.

This week she was sentenced to 90 days in jail (that's it?). To boot, “the world’s sexiest thief” also locked down a modeling gig with French-Canadian magazine Summum and a contract with a top-tier modeling agency.

The only catch of her modeling gig is that she can't talk about her criminal past. From her interview with Vice:

But the judge’s ruling limits her professional opportunities: While she can continue to model, her image can’t be used to promote criminal behavior, which means she pretty much has to drop the “sexy thief” moniker. In his ruling, the judge strongly recommended she stop modeling altogether, since keeping creative control over her image could be difficult. Her modeling agency says it is “studying current options” for more opportunities.

Beaudoin is OK with these restrictions.

“I can have modeling contracts as Stéphanie Beaudoin. I could have my face on a skin care product,” she said. “I just can’t do it if the brand says something like ‘Stephanie the criminal’ or whatever. It’s a pretty OK condition.”

It just goes to show that if you're going to commit crimes, make sure you're a gorgeous woman first.