Between the hookers, gambling, food and rickshaws operated by nude men, here's no shortage of things to spend the remainder of your government assistance funds on in Las Vegas. But now, thanks to a little thing called reciprocity laws, you'll be able to drop some dollars on a fat sack of weed as early as 2015. That's right people, Las Vegas is officially stoned.
Between the hookers, gambling, food and rickshaws operated by nude men, here's no shortage of things to spend the remainder of your government assistance funds on in Las Vegas. But now, thanks to a little thing called reciprocity laws, you'll be able to drop some dollars on a fat sack of weed as early as 2015. That's right people, Las Vegas is officially stoned.
Reciprocity laws guarantee the mutual recognition of privileges between states, businesses or individuals. Thanks to them, weed can be legal* in states that haven't passed legalization bills.
*Recreational weed isn't legal in Nevada yet. But it's on the 2016 ballot. But shh.
In Nevada, that's coming straight to your bong in the form of recreational pot that tourists can access using their medical marijuana red cards and a valid government I.D. proving they're not 12. Yes, we know, having to show a red card technically makes it medical marijuana, but who cares? You have a red card anyway. And you can now buy weed in Vegas. Which should really mellow out the coke you snorted off the stripper's C-Section scar.
And while the motive in Vegas to push for legal weed for tourists is no doubt motivated by profit and possible tax revenue, as opposed out of care and concern for traveling MMJ patients, we don't care. We're just glad we can buy a joint there to calm us down once we see that Thunder from Down Under show. Mmm.
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